Friday, March 8, 2019

Red’s a billionaire and We Are The People. Down to brass tacks.

NO Village at Wolf Creek.
Durango Herald's, Jonathan Romeo wrote a story March 7th 2019 about the latest court twist in the Village at Wolf Creek saga:  "A Freedom of Information Act was filed nearly eight months ago by a coalition of environmental groups to obtain select U.S. Forest Service documents related to the controversial Village at Wolf Creek development atop Wolf Creek Pass. Two-hundred-and-thirty days later, and well past the Forest Service’s 20-day deadline, not a single file has been released.
But that should change Thursday after a U.S. magistrate judge ordered the Forest Service to start releasing documents asked for in the FOIA request. The order came in response to a lawsuit filed by opponents of the proposed housing and commercial development." ... "
(click on image for better reading)

After posting quotes from yesterday's Durango Herald article, I was reading the comments.  
Dennis points to ANILCA and cries foul on behalf of Mr. McCombs, 
There is a law that says the USFS has to grant access to inholdings.  
Is that a fact?  There’s another side to this story that's worth listening to, particularly if you want to understand the unrelenting opposition to the notion of bulldozing a Village at Wolf Creek into Alberta Park.

Among many other things, in 1980 ANILCA was created for property owners who suddenly found themselves in a landlocked ‘inholding’ because of a newly created National Park or other federal designated areas.  Alberta Park was legally designated integral to Rio Grande National Forest since its creation in 1908.

Groups says, Federal Agency Tried to Hide Information

I try very hard to give the Rio Grande National Forest Service the benefit of the doubt, but they sure make it difficult to trust sometimes.


Judge orders Forest Service to release Village at Wolf Creek documents

Environmental groups say federal agency tried to hide information