Wednesday, February 27, 2013

San Juan Bark Beetles and Watersheds Workshop - 4/10/2013

I received the following email from the Mountain Studies Institute today and thought I'd pass it along:

San Juan Bark Beetles and Watersheds Workshop

Please join the Western Water Assessment (WWA), the Mountain Studies Institute (MSI), and the San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership for a workshop exploring the water-related impacts of bark beetle infestations in the San Juans and the Rocky Mountain West. 
The goals of the workshop are to:

·         Share key findings and uncertainties from beetle-water research in Colorado and elsewhere in the West, and describe ongoing studies
·         Seek input from resource managers on the Western Slope about their water/watershed concerns and information needs related to ongoing beetle infestations
·         Help connect decision-makers with researchers and information resources

Water managers, forest managers, other decision-makers, researchers, and anyone with an interest in the topic are encouraged to attend. 
Please REGISTER HERE by April 1.  There is no cost for the workshop, but space is limited.
 Wed, 04/10/2013
 9:00am - 3:30pm
 Durango Public Library
Event Type: 
Contact: or 970-387-5161
Other Info: