Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Village at Wolf Creek Final Record of Decision Alternative 3 ANILCA

From: Guy E. Blackwolf, B.S. Wildlife Science; B.S. Rangeland Resources, NEPA Planner
February 27, 2019

Dear Interested Public:

Good Afternoon, you are receiving this email as an outreach to inform you as a participant in the comment and or objection process that the Final Record of Decision (ROD) regarding the Village at Wolf Creek Access Project, Alternative 3 ANILCA is now signed and published for public access on the Rio Grande National Forest webpage. The signature date is February 27, 2019.

The two attachments above are the public notice letter and the ROD. Please see information below for alternative access information if more copies or reference are needed regarding the project in the future.

The direct link to the decision document on our public website is at

The main link to the Village at Wolf Creek Access Project is in the attached letter and restated here in the email for ease of access: Upon reaching the webpage please click on the Decision tab; the list in the decision section has a + sign for expandable links.