United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Regional Office
Response to Objections on the Village at Wolf Creek Access Project, Rio Grande National Forest
33 issues addressed
Village at Wolf Creek Access Project Draft 11/15/18
Objection Issues and Responses
Objection Issues and Responses
Issue 1: The village proposal expands impacts of the federally permitted ski area development
Issue 2: Judicial orders preclude reliance on FEIS
Issue 3: The Forest Service has never made Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture’s proposal (ANILCA alternative) available for review by the public or other local, State, and Federal agencies with jurisdiction and control over the Wolf Creek Ski Area complex
Issue 4: The purpose and need and designation of the NEPA “Federal Action” are invalid
Issue 5: The FEIS perpetuates the same structural flaws addressed by the previous injunction and settlement