Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Index of VWC-EIS, Objection Issues and Responses.

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Regional Office 
Response to Objections on the Village at Wolf Creek Access Project, Rio Grande National Forest
33 issues addressed 
Village at Wolf Creek Access Project Draft 11/15/18
Objection Issues and Responses 
Issue 1: The village proposal expands impacts of the federally permitted ski area development
Issue 2: Judicial orders preclude reliance on FEIS
Issue 3: The Forest Service has never made Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture’s proposal (ANILCA alternative) available for review by the public or other local, State, and Federal agencies with jurisdiction and control over the Wolf Creek Ski Area complex 
Issue 4: The purpose and need and designation of the NEPA “Federal Action” are invalid
Issue 5: The FEIS perpetuates the same structural flaws addressed by the previous injunction and settlement

Dear Village Wolf Creek Objectors: It's full speed ahead. USFS-USDA

The US Forest Service-USDA sent out a letter to ‘objectors' of the Village at Wolf Creek EIS announcing that they’ve granted road access to the Leavell-McCombs Joint Venture's inholding.  It lays out their rationale for opening the door for Red’s destructive 1980s pipe-dream speculative venture, known as the Village At Wolf Creek.  
What's to say except that the action will be shifting over to Mineral County Commissioners and their Land Use Office.  After the Dear Objector letter, I share contact information for Mineral County. 
I don't imagine they are looking forward to the controversy heading their way.  There's a lot of hostility, tension, hopelessness out there these days, still we are a community, lets be respectful, polite and willing to explain ourselves by speaking directly to each others concerns, rather than past each other.  Lordie knows hostility will only spiral into more hostility, something this country definitely doesn't need any more of.